Lab members
Prof. Dr.rer.nat. Harald Schulze - Principle Investigator
- Graduated from the University of Hannover and Medical School Hannover as a Diplom biochemist.
- PhD thesis upon signal transduction pathways in blood platelets and congenital thrombocytopenia in Dr. Karl Welte's lab.
- 1999-2000 Postdoctoral fellow in Karl Welte's lab working on congenital neutropenia and acute myeloid leukemia.
- Postdoctoral research fellow at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Harvard Medical School (Boston, USA) in the lab of Prof. Ramesh Shivdasani, working on megakaryocyte biology and platelet biogenesis.
- 2005-2013 junior investigator at the Charité (Dept. of Pediatrics, Prof. Dr. Gaedicke), Laboratory of Pediatric Molecular Biology (Head: Prof. Dr. Hagemeier).
- 2008 Habilitation for "Molecular Medicine".
- 2010 - 2013 Dept. of Transfusion Medicine - Tissue Typing
- 2014 Associate Professor for Experimental Hemostaseology - Universität Würzburg
- 2017 Günter-Landbeck Excellence Award (Clinical Studies)
Sarah Gupta
- Bachelor student, working on interaction partners of megakaryocyte transcription factors by yeast-two-hybrid system
Judith Kleiß
- MD student, works on platelet function in patients with Covid-19
Georgi Manukjan, PhD
- Dr. Manukjan works on transcription factors in hematopoietic stem cells and megakaryocytes.
Kristina Mott, MSc
- PhD student; works on matrix proteins and megakaryocytes in the bone marrow after irradiation
Omri Rogowski
- works on the role of HLA-DP in pediatric hematopoietic stem cell transplantation
Nadine Winter
- works as a technician in the lab.
Maximilian Zeitlhöfler
- MD student, works on platelet function in sepsis and patients with ECMO Gabriele Strauß, MD - Pediatric Hematologist/Oncologist
- Dr. Strauß is a senior pediatrician at the Helios-Klinikum Berlin Buch and treats children with hematological disorders. Her focus are congenital thrombocytopenia (lack of blood platelets) and red blood cell disorders / bone marrow transplants. Parents are asked to directly contact her for appointments.
Anna Löschberger, PhD
- Dr. Löschberger worked on transcription factors during megakaryopoiesis
Rebecca Kulawig, B.Sc.
- master thesis on collagen receptors and thrombopoiesis
- Rebecca's thesis was awarded with the Tiburtius-Preis of the Berlin Universities 2015 (2. Preis).
Silke Schwiebert - Technical Assistence
- Silke Schwiebert worked as a technical assistence in the lab.
Dr. rer. nat. Imke Meyer
- Thesis on mouse models for RanBP10 and for immune thrombocytopenia
- Lab Leader Bayer Health Care
Dr. Cora Vollert, MD
- thesis on IPF and new platelet parameters in automated blood counters
- works at Universität Würzburg
Dr. Katja Henning, MD
- Thesis on flow cytometric analysis of resting and activated platelets
- works as a pediatrician at the hospital Leisnig
Dr. rer. nat. Janine Fiedler, PhD
- Thesis on TPO signaling and thrombocytopenia in TAR Syndrome.
- Supported by a grant of the Sanitätsrat E A Huebner und Gemahl-Stiftung
Dipl.-Biol. Heike Meyer
- Worked as a technician in the lab
Dipl.-Ingenieur Stefan Kunert, M.Sc.
- Diploma thesis about characterization of the RanBP10-null mouse
- Thesis was awarded a prize by the DECHEMA society for the best diploma thesis in technical chemistry on engineering schools
- Master thesis on thrombus formation in RanBP10-null mice
- Since 2010 PhD student at the Max Delbruck Center Berlin
Dr. Martin Wannack, MD
- thesis on TPO signaling in TAR syndrome
- was working on thrombopoietin signal transduction in TAR syndrome